Rosie Lying Like Crazy. CNN Host Forced To Stop Her.

Screenshot: CNN Video

CNN’s Chris Cuomo gave unhinged leftist Rosie O’Donnell a lesson in dealing with reality on Monday night, correcting absurd statements she made about President Donald Trump’s rallies.

O’Donnell began by claiming that Trump is bad because he “doesn’t know how to inspire people,” to which Cuomo immediately brought up Trump’s rallies which are well known for their high turnouts and their high energy.

“There first of all, people are paid, Chris. You know that,” O’Donnell claimed. “He pays people to show up at those rallies. That is a fact.”

“But I don’t know that that’s why he gets tens of thousands at the rallies,” Cuomo responded. “I think he captures a lot of emotion for people.”

“He doesn’t get tens of thousands,” Rosie continued. “When did he get tens of thousands at the last rallies? Tell me when.”

“Not at Tampa, I think they only had 9,000 seats and there were people outside, but Rosie, I’ve seen them,” Cuomo replied. “He gets big groups of people who come out. He gives themes that resonate. Whatever they’re positive or not, that’s up to people to decide.”

Cuomo then shot down O’Donnell’s notion that those who show up to Trump’s rallies are paid to be there, saying, “I don’t have the facts that his crowds are bought off.”


Crazy Racist Black Student Employee Harrasses Another Student For Being White & Wearing Dreadlocks.

All I wanted to do was power punch this girl through the front of her skull and drag her by her bloodied face up those stairs and toss her in the dumpster out in the parking lot. The nasty intolerant attitude this girl shows is all too common across today’s collegiate landscape. The only words or phrases this girl was ever taught were white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchial and colonialism. I bet she can’t even enunciate most of them correctly.

The most infuriating part of the clip was when she reached out and grabbed onto the kids shirt and yanked him backwards towards her so she could continue to lambaste him, only to scold and threaten him further, stating:

“you don’t put your hands on me”

When she was the one putting hands all over the kid as she said this! He was the one walking away not being physical or confrontational in the slightest.

Not a good look bitch. I didn’t see a single black person endorse your actions in the comments. Your not just racist, your just plain dumb.

Whatever college you’re at in this clip I’m sure you are not deserving of entry into the institution to begin with which is why they are probably requiring that you work as a student employee putting up whatever dumbass “diversity” fliers” that you were seen posting during the confrontation. You were probably told that you had to work at the school for free as a condition of your enrollment for whatever outrageous grants you were given for being black.

Your grades probably sucked and I bet you barely cracked 1000 on your SAT’s. I know your kind. I hope you got expelled for this hate crime.

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